Chenoweth Massacre

The Chenoweth Massacre was the last major Native American raid in present-day Jefferson County, Kentucky (Louisville Metro). On July 17, 1789, Captain Richard Chenoweth, builder of Fort Nelson, was stationed with his family northeast of present-day Middletown, Kentucky when a large band of Native Americans from across the Ohio River attacked, killing three of Chenoweth's children and two of the soldiers. Chenoweth's wife was shot through the lungs by an arrow and was seriously wounded. She faked death, allowing an attacker to slice his knife into her forehead and rip off her scalp. She survived and wore a hat for the rest of her life to conceal the scars. Two soldiers were captured alive and were burned at the stake near the springhouse.

Chenoweth Massacre

The Chenoweth Massacre was the last major Native American raid in present-day Jefferson County, Kentucky (Louisville Metro). On July 17, 1789, Captain Richard Chenoweth, builder of Fort Nelson, was stationed with his family northeast of present-day Middletown, Kentucky when a large band of Native Americans from across the Ohio River attacked, killing three of Chenoweth's children and two of the soldiers. Chenoweth's wife was shot through the lungs by an arrow and was seriously wounded. She faked death, allowing an attacker to slice his knife into her forehead and rip off her scalp. She survived and wore a hat for the rest of her life to conceal the scars. Two soldiers were captured alive and were burned at the stake near the springhouse.