Christmas Guy

"Christmas Guy" is the eighth episode of the twelfth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy and the 218th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States and Canada on December 15, 2013, and is written by Patrick Meighan and directed by Greg Colton. The episode features the return of Brian Griffin (who had died two episodes earlier in "Life of Brian") after Stewie goes back in time to save him.

Christmas Guy

"Christmas Guy" is the eighth episode of the twelfth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy and the 218th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States and Canada on December 15, 2013, and is written by Patrick Meighan and directed by Greg Colton. The episode features the return of Brian Griffin (who had died two episodes earlier in "Life of Brian") after Stewie goes back in time to save him.