City ID

City ID is a caller information software product created by Cequint Incorporated. City ID displays the North American city and state (primarily USA and Canada) of a calling phone number based upon the phone number's area code and exchange. As of March 2011, Cequint has integrated City ID with over 30 handsets spanning five cellular phone Operating System platforms. These platforms include Blackberry, JME, BREW, BREWMP, Android, and Windows Mobile.Cequint has worked and continues to work with all major United States cellular carrier companies including Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Alltel, U.S. Cellular and T-Mobile.

City ID

City ID is a caller information software product created by Cequint Incorporated. City ID displays the North American city and state (primarily USA and Canada) of a calling phone number based upon the phone number's area code and exchange. As of March 2011, Cequint has integrated City ID with over 30 handsets spanning five cellular phone Operating System platforms. These platforms include Blackberry, JME, BREW, BREWMP, Android, and Windows Mobile.Cequint has worked and continues to work with all major United States cellular carrier companies including Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Alltel, U.S. Cellular and T-Mobile.