
Ciulama is a dish that can be mainly found in Romanian and Moldovan cuisine. However, this dish has its origins in Turkish cuisine (çullama), otherwise related to the Romanian cuisine. It is prepared from meat (especially poultry) or mushrooms in white sauce. The sauce is made from flour with onions fried in grease. Often it is served with mămăligă. In Transylvania, this dish is popularly known as topală, and the white sauce rântaș.


Ciulama is a dish that can be mainly found in Romanian and Moldovan cuisine. However, this dish has its origins in Turkish cuisine (çullama), otherwise related to the Romanian cuisine. It is prepared from meat (especially poultry) or mushrooms in white sauce. The sauce is made from flour with onions fried in grease. Often it is served with mămăligă. In Transylvania, this dish is popularly known as topală, and the white sauce rântaș.