Civic Renovation Party

The Civic Renovation Party (Spanish: Partido Cívico Renovador, or PCR) is an emerging party in Dominican Republic, founded in 2006 as a political movement called Civic Renovation Movement, by Jorge Radhamés Zorrilla Ozuna and a group of Dominican citizens with social democratic orientation.On December 16, 2009 the Civic Renovation Party is recognized by Junta Central Electoral and in 2012 participated in the presidential elections, supporting the candidate of the Dominican Liberation Party, Danilo Medina, through the Purple Alliance.

Civic Renovation Party

The Civic Renovation Party (Spanish: Partido Cívico Renovador, or PCR) is an emerging party in Dominican Republic, founded in 2006 as a political movement called Civic Renovation Movement, by Jorge Radhamés Zorrilla Ozuna and a group of Dominican citizens with social democratic orientation.On December 16, 2009 the Civic Renovation Party is recognized by Junta Central Electoral and in 2012 participated in the presidential elections, supporting the candidate of the Dominican Liberation Party, Danilo Medina, through the Purple Alliance.