Clóvis de Barros Filho

Clóvis de Barros Filho (Ribeirão Preto, October 21, 1966) is a Brazilian lawyer, journalist, writer, philosopher and university professor. Doctor in Constitutional Law and Sociology of Law at the Faculté de Droit (Panthéon-Assas University), d'Economie et des Sciences Sociales (University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle) and in Communication Sciences from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). He is associate professor at ECA-USP, course coordinator Ethics and Environment of the Continuing Education Program of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (PEC/FGV), UNESCO Ethics consultant. He is the author of Ethics in Communication and co-author of Life worth living.

Clóvis de Barros Filho

Clóvis de Barros Filho (Ribeirão Preto, October 21, 1966) is a Brazilian lawyer, journalist, writer, philosopher and university professor. Doctor in Constitutional Law and Sociology of Law at the Faculté de Droit (Panthéon-Assas University), d'Economie et des Sciences Sociales (University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle) and in Communication Sciences from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). He is associate professor at ECA-USP, course coordinator Ethics and Environment of the Continuing Education Program of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (PEC/FGV), UNESCO Ethics consultant. He is the author of Ethics in Communication and co-author of Life worth living.