Comillas Foundation

The Comillas Foundation (Fundación Comillas del Español y la Cultura Hispánica) is a private nonprofit organization based in the town of Comillas, Cantabria, Spain. Comillas Foundation, established in 2005, is dedicated to promote Spanish language and Hispanic culture. The academic activities of Comillas Foundation (University Degree in Hispanic Studies and Master in Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language) are developed through the International Center for Higher Spanish Studies (CIESE-Comillas), associated to the University of Cantabria. Besides that, the foundation provides forums and seminars related with Spanish language and culture.

Comillas Foundation

The Comillas Foundation (Fundación Comillas del Español y la Cultura Hispánica) is a private nonprofit organization based in the town of Comillas, Cantabria, Spain. Comillas Foundation, established in 2005, is dedicated to promote Spanish language and Hispanic culture. The academic activities of Comillas Foundation (University Degree in Hispanic Studies and Master in Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language) are developed through the International Center for Higher Spanish Studies (CIESE-Comillas), associated to the University of Cantabria. Besides that, the foundation provides forums and seminars related with Spanish language and culture.