Common Era

Common Era or Current Era, abbreviated CE, is a calendar era that is often used as an alternative naming of the Anno Domini era ("in the year of the Lord"), abbreviated AD. The system uses BCE as an abbreviation for "before the Common (or Current) Era" and CE as an abbreviation for "Common Era". The CE/BCE designation uses the same numeric values as the Anno Domini year-numbering system introduced by the 6th-century Christian monk Dionysius Exiguus, intending the beginning of the life of Jesus to be the reference date. Neither notation includes a year zero, and the two notations (CE/BCE and AD/BC) are numerically equivalent; thus "2017 CE" corresponds to "AD 2017", and "400 BCE" corresponds to "400 BC". The Gregorian calendar and the year-numbering system associated with it is the calendar

Common Era

Common Era or Current Era, abbreviated CE, is a calendar era that is often used as an alternative naming of the Anno Domini era ("in the year of the Lord"), abbreviated AD. The system uses BCE as an abbreviation for "before the Common (or Current) Era" and CE as an abbreviation for "Common Era". The CE/BCE designation uses the same numeric values as the Anno Domini year-numbering system introduced by the 6th-century Christian monk Dionysius Exiguus, intending the beginning of the life of Jesus to be the reference date. Neither notation includes a year zero, and the two notations (CE/BCE and AD/BC) are numerically equivalent; thus "2017 CE" corresponds to "AD 2017", and "400 BCE" corresponds to "400 BC". The Gregorian calendar and the year-numbering system associated with it is the calendar