Condo (TV series)

Condo is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from February 10 to June 9, 1983. The series stars McLean Stevenson and Luis Avalos as the fathers of two families who move into condominium units next to each other. Sheldon Bull created the series, which was executive produced by Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas, and John Rich. Saul Turteltaub and Bernie Orenstein were also producers. This was the fourth sitcom to star McLean Stevenson since leaving M*A*S*H, all of them premiering while that series was still on.

Condo (TV series)

Condo is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from February 10 to June 9, 1983. The series stars McLean Stevenson and Luis Avalos as the fathers of two families who move into condominium units next to each other. Sheldon Bull created the series, which was executive produced by Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas, and John Rich. Saul Turteltaub and Bernie Orenstein were also producers. This was the fourth sitcom to star McLean Stevenson since leaving M*A*S*H, all of them premiering while that series was still on.