Congreso de laS LenguaS

The Congreso de laS LenguaS (Spanish, Congress of the Languages) was a cultural event that took place in Rosario, Argentina, from 15 November to 20 November 2004. It was a series of meetings and lectures devoted to the discussion of cultural and linguistic diversity in Latin America, intended initially as indirect criticism and counter-event for the Third International Congress of the Spanish Language which was being celebrated at about the same time. It was presided over by the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.

Congreso de laS LenguaS

The Congreso de laS LenguaS (Spanish, Congress of the Languages) was a cultural event that took place in Rosario, Argentina, from 15 November to 20 November 2004. It was a series of meetings and lectures devoted to the discussion of cultural and linguistic diversity in Latin America, intended initially as indirect criticism and counter-event for the Third International Congress of the Spanish Language which was being celebrated at about the same time. It was presided over by the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.