Conscription and sexism

Both feminists and opponents of discrimination against men have criticized military conscription, or compulsory military service, as sexist. Feminists have argued that military conscription is sexist because wars typically serve the interests of the patriarchy, because the military is a sexist institution, because conscription of men normalizes male violence as socially acceptable, because conscripts are indoctrinated in sexism and violence against women, and because military training socializes conscripts in patriarchal gender roles. "While not all feminists are anti-militarists, opposition to war and militarism has been a strong current within the women's movement. Prominent suffragists like Quaker Alice Paul, and Barbara Deming, a feminist activist and thinker of the 1960s and '70s, wer

Conscription and sexism

Both feminists and opponents of discrimination against men have criticized military conscription, or compulsory military service, as sexist. Feminists have argued that military conscription is sexist because wars typically serve the interests of the patriarchy, because the military is a sexist institution, because conscription of men normalizes male violence as socially acceptable, because conscripts are indoctrinated in sexism and violence against women, and because military training socializes conscripts in patriarchal gender roles. "While not all feminists are anti-militarists, opposition to war and militarism has been a strong current within the women's movement. Prominent suffragists like Quaker Alice Paul, and Barbara Deming, a feminist activist and thinker of the 1960s and '70s, wer