Copywriting agency

A copywriting agency is a business that provides writing and editing services to businesses and other organizations. Like individual copywriters, copywriting agencies may offer writing on a for-hire or per-project basis. Copywriting agencies may be designed on an employee model, with full- or part-time employees providing services to clients. Others may work with a regular team of trusted contractors, while still others function more like middlemen, connecting clients and editorial freelancers and taking a cut of the proceeds from each project.

Copywriting agency

A copywriting agency is a business that provides writing and editing services to businesses and other organizations. Like individual copywriters, copywriting agencies may offer writing on a for-hire or per-project basis. Copywriting agencies may be designed on an employee model, with full- or part-time employees providing services to clients. Others may work with a regular team of trusted contractors, while still others function more like middlemen, connecting clients and editorial freelancers and taking a cut of the proceeds from each project.