
CoreSite Realty Corporation is a national, carrier-neutral provider of data centers, colocation, and peering. The company has 16 data centers in the Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Northern Virginia, San Francisco/San Jose, Santa Clara, and Washington DC areas. The company also operates the Any2Exchange, one of the largest peering communities in the United States. The company was a wholly owned operating partner of The Carlyle Group, but is now publicly traded with little institutional interest.


CoreSite Realty Corporation is a national, carrier-neutral provider of data centers, colocation, and peering. The company has 16 data centers in the Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Northern Virginia, San Francisco/San Jose, Santa Clara, and Washington DC areas. The company also operates the Any2Exchange, one of the largest peering communities in the United States. The company was a wholly owned operating partner of The Carlyle Group, but is now publicly traded with little institutional interest.