Corporate taxonomy

Corporate taxonomy is the hierarchical classification of entities of interest of an enterprise, organization or administration, used to classify documents, digital assets and other information. Taxonomies can cover virtually any type of physical or conceptual entities (products, processes, knowledge fields, human groups, etc.) at any level of granularity. A powerful approach to map and retrieve unstructured data, taxonomies allow efficient solutions in the management of corporate knowledge, in particular in complex organizational models for workflows, human resources or customer relations.

Corporate taxonomy

Corporate taxonomy is the hierarchical classification of entities of interest of an enterprise, organization or administration, used to classify documents, digital assets and other information. Taxonomies can cover virtually any type of physical or conceptual entities (products, processes, knowledge fields, human groups, etc.) at any level of granularity. A powerful approach to map and retrieve unstructured data, taxonomies allow efficient solutions in the management of corporate knowledge, in particular in complex organizational models for workflows, human resources or customer relations.