Corvid College

Corvid College was co-founded in Boston in October 2009 by Dr. Eric Buck, Christian Greer, and Pasqualino Colombaro as an anarchic experiment in education. It has since established a second branch in San Francisco. It is non-hierarchically organized and decentralized as there are no offices, administrators, or preset course meeting spaces, and does not confer official credentials to its students. Teachers and students at Corvid are joined in voluntary association to explore and share in nontraditional ways of learning and subject material.

Corvid College

Corvid College was co-founded in Boston in October 2009 by Dr. Eric Buck, Christian Greer, and Pasqualino Colombaro as an anarchic experiment in education. It has since established a second branch in San Francisco. It is non-hierarchically organized and decentralized as there are no offices, administrators, or preset course meeting spaces, and does not confer official credentials to its students. Teachers and students at Corvid are joined in voluntary association to explore and share in nontraditional ways of learning and subject material.