Cosmic ray

Cosmic rays are immensely high-energy radiation, mainly originating outside the Solar System. Upon impact with the Earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays can produce showers of secondary particles that sometimes reach the surface. Composed primarily of high-energy protons and atomic nuclei, they are of mysterious origin. Data from the Fermi space telescope (2013) have been interpreted as evidence that a significant fraction of primary cosmic rays originate from the supernovae of massive stars. Active galactic nuclei probably also produce cosmic rays. A small contribution is also attributed to universal quantum decoherence and quantum noise.

Cosmic ray

Cosmic rays are immensely high-energy radiation, mainly originating outside the Solar System. Upon impact with the Earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays can produce showers of secondary particles that sometimes reach the surface. Composed primarily of high-energy protons and atomic nuclei, they are of mysterious origin. Data from the Fermi space telescope (2013) have been interpreted as evidence that a significant fraction of primary cosmic rays originate from the supernovae of massive stars. Active galactic nuclei probably also produce cosmic rays. A small contribution is also attributed to universal quantum decoherence and quantum noise.