Count Arthur Strong (TV series)

Count Arthur Strong is a BBC sitcom written by Steve Delaney and Graham Linehan. Delaney portrays the title character in the series, a reboot of the character from the radio programme Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show! The series focuses on the meeting between Count Arthur Strong, an eccentric, semi-retired music hall performer, and Michael Baker, the bookish son of his former comedy partner. A third series is due for broadcast in 2016.

Count Arthur Strong (TV series)

Count Arthur Strong is a BBC sitcom written by Steve Delaney and Graham Linehan. Delaney portrays the title character in the series, a reboot of the character from the radio programme Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show! The series focuses on the meeting between Count Arthur Strong, an eccentric, semi-retired music hall performer, and Michael Baker, the bookish son of his former comedy partner. A third series is due for broadcast in 2016.