Courier Car Co

The Courier Car Co. was an automobile manufacturer formed in 1909 by the Stoddard-Dayton Company in Dayton, Ohio, to produce smaller, lighter and lower-priced models than the luxury automobiles produced by Stoddard Dayton. Its advertisements were early advocates of the compact car: "Don't buy more car than you need ... Don't you buy a car of greater power or capacity than you need." The cars were built on a 100-inch (2,500 mm) wheelbase and powered by a 22.5 horsepower (16.8 kW) engine. Four-cylinder models (3245 cc and 3638 cc) were produced.

Courier Car Co

The Courier Car Co. was an automobile manufacturer formed in 1909 by the Stoddard-Dayton Company in Dayton, Ohio, to produce smaller, lighter and lower-priced models than the luxury automobiles produced by Stoddard Dayton. Its advertisements were early advocates of the compact car: "Don't buy more car than you need ... Don't you buy a car of greater power or capacity than you need." The cars were built on a 100-inch (2,500 mm) wheelbase and powered by a 22.5 horsepower (16.8 kW) engine. Four-cylinder models (3245 cc and 3638 cc) were produced.