Critical quality attributes

Critical Quality Attributes (CQA) are chemical, physical, biological and microbiological attributes that can be defined, measured, and continually monitored to ensure final product outputs remain within acceptable quality limits. CQA are an essential aspect of a manufacturing control strategy and should be identified in stage 1 of Process Validation: Process design. During this stage acceptable limits, baselines, and data collection and measurement protocols should be established. Data from the design process and data collected during production should be kept by the manufacturer and used to evaluated product quality and process control. Historical data can also help manufacturers better understand operational process and input variables as well as better identify true deviations from qual

Critical quality attributes

Critical Quality Attributes (CQA) are chemical, physical, biological and microbiological attributes that can be defined, measured, and continually monitored to ensure final product outputs remain within acceptable quality limits. CQA are an essential aspect of a manufacturing control strategy and should be identified in stage 1 of Process Validation: Process design. During this stage acceptable limits, baselines, and data collection and measurement protocols should be established. Data from the design process and data collected during production should be kept by the manufacturer and used to evaluated product quality and process control. Historical data can also help manufacturers better understand operational process and input variables as well as better identify true deviations from qual