Crony-capitalism index

The crony-capitalism index aims to indicate whether the livelihood of the people from certain country or city with a capitalist economy are easily affected by crony capitalism. It is not an internationally recognized index due to its limitations. It is a new measurement of crony capitalism designed by The Economist newspaper based on the "work by Ruchir Sharma of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Aditi Gandhi and Michael Walton oew Delhi's Centre for Policy Research, and others" in 2014.

Crony-capitalism index

The crony-capitalism index aims to indicate whether the livelihood of the people from certain country or city with a capitalist economy are easily affected by crony capitalism. It is not an internationally recognized index due to its limitations. It is a new measurement of crony capitalism designed by The Economist newspaper based on the "work by Ruchir Sharma of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Aditi Gandhi and Michael Walton oew Delhi's Centre for Policy Research, and others" in 2014.