Crosswind kite power

Crosswind kite power is power derived from a class of airborne wind-energy conversion systems (AWECS, aka AWES) or crosswind kite power systems (CWKPS) characterized by a kite system that has energy-harvesting parts that fly transverse to the direction of the ambient wind, i.e., to crosswind mode; sometimes the entire wing set and tether set is flown in crosswind mode. These systems at many scales from toy to power-grid-feeding sizes may be used as high-altitude wind power (HAWP) devices or low-altitude wind power (LAWP) devices without having to use towers. Flexible wings or rigid wings may be used in the kite system. A tethered wing, flying in crosswind at many times wind speed, harvests wind power from an area that is many times exceeding the wing’s own area. Crosswind kite power system

Crosswind kite power

Crosswind kite power is power derived from a class of airborne wind-energy conversion systems (AWECS, aka AWES) or crosswind kite power systems (CWKPS) characterized by a kite system that has energy-harvesting parts that fly transverse to the direction of the ambient wind, i.e., to crosswind mode; sometimes the entire wing set and tether set is flown in crosswind mode. These systems at many scales from toy to power-grid-feeding sizes may be used as high-altitude wind power (HAWP) devices or low-altitude wind power (LAWP) devices without having to use towers. Flexible wings or rigid wings may be used in the kite system. A tethered wing, flying in crosswind at many times wind speed, harvests wind power from an area that is many times exceeding the wing’s own area. Crosswind kite power system