Crown Estate Paving Commission

The Crown Estate Paving Commission (CEPC) is the body responsible for managing certain aspects of the built environment around Regent's Park, London. It was established by statute in 1824. It fulfills some local government functions, and is one of the few bodies in the United Kingdom still empowered to levy rates on residential property. Although it has local government functions and tax-raising powers, its members are not elected but are appointed by the Lords of the Treasury. It is a separate body from the Crown Estate, which holds the freehold of Regent's Park.

Crown Estate Paving Commission

The Crown Estate Paving Commission (CEPC) is the body responsible for managing certain aspects of the built environment around Regent's Park, London. It was established by statute in 1824. It fulfills some local government functions, and is one of the few bodies in the United Kingdom still empowered to levy rates on residential property. Although it has local government functions and tax-raising powers, its members are not elected but are appointed by the Lords of the Treasury. It is a separate body from the Crown Estate, which holds the freehold of Regent's Park.