
CyberWorld (also known as CyberWorld 3D) is a 2000 American 3-D animated anthology film shown in IMAX and IMAX 3D, presented by Intel. Several segments originally filmed in 2-D were converted to 3-D format. It was the first IMAX film to have CGI animation and is one of the most rare documentaries in the history of cinema that never received an official release on home video.


CyberWorld (also known as CyberWorld 3D) is a 2000 American 3-D animated anthology film shown in IMAX and IMAX 3D, presented by Intel. Several segments originally filmed in 2-D were converted to 3-D format. It was the first IMAX film to have CGI animation and is one of the most rare documentaries in the history of cinema that never received an official release on home video.