
Dirty.ru is one of the first collaborative blogs in Runet. It is an online platform based on a rating system that allows users to appraise other individual users as well as content entries and comments posted by them. Unlike other widely known social networks d3.ru provides opportunities to vote against users, comments and content entries. Today the website is essentially a social network with communities of interest (featuring more than 4000 communities).Every single user has the opportunity to start a community. Within the D3.ru communities users can elect a president. The community president is then eligible to manage and operate the community.


Dirty.ru is one of the first collaborative blogs in Runet. It is an online platform based on a rating system that allows users to appraise other individual users as well as content entries and comments posted by them. Unlike other widely known social networks d3.ru provides opportunities to vote against users, comments and content entries. Today the website is essentially a social network with communities of interest (featuring more than 4000 communities).Every single user has the opportunity to start a community. Within the D3.ru communities users can elect a president. The community president is then eligible to manage and operate the community.