Dance Me This

Dance Me This is a studio album by Frank Zappa, released posthumously in 2015 by The Zappa Family Trust on Zappa Records. In the liner notes by Todd Yvega, he comments, "It is remarkable that Frank was able to construct such a cohesive arc, juxtaposing and superimposing such disparate materials, some of which had been in the works for years, while others were the fruit of the previous week's happenstance. Thrown into the creative mix were the incidentals (it was FZ's bent to be open to changing course and making use of whatever happens along). Earlier that year, the Zappas were graced with a visit from a trio of throat singers from Tuva in southern Siberia who were on a US concert tour. Naturally a recording session ensued, and the Tuvans' vocals ultimately became prominent on several trac

Dance Me This

Dance Me This is a studio album by Frank Zappa, released posthumously in 2015 by The Zappa Family Trust on Zappa Records. In the liner notes by Todd Yvega, he comments, "It is remarkable that Frank was able to construct such a cohesive arc, juxtaposing and superimposing such disparate materials, some of which had been in the works for years, while others were the fruit of the previous week's happenstance. Thrown into the creative mix were the incidentals (it was FZ's bent to be open to changing course and making use of whatever happens along). Earlier that year, the Zappas were graced with a visit from a trio of throat singers from Tuva in southern Siberia who were on a US concert tour. Naturally a recording session ensued, and the Tuvans' vocals ultimately became prominent on several trac