Dandy Dick (play)

Dandy Dick is an 1887 comedy by British writer Arthur Wing Pinero. It is a farce about an impecunious clergyman (partly as a result of two extravagant daughters) who, having taken a strong line against gambling, meets his sister after many years, a woman steeped in horse-racing who has a half share in a race horse. He uncharacteristically places a bet on the horse, to pay for an extravagant promise he has made to contribute to a church reparation fund. He subsequently finds himself in the local police cell for administering, or trying to administer, substances to his sister's horse, substances (unknown to him) adulterated with poison by his butler. He is accused by the local police constanble of alienating his wife's affections. In the event, as in most good farces, matters are cheerfully

Dandy Dick (play)

Dandy Dick is an 1887 comedy by British writer Arthur Wing Pinero. It is a farce about an impecunious clergyman (partly as a result of two extravagant daughters) who, having taken a strong line against gambling, meets his sister after many years, a woman steeped in horse-racing who has a half share in a race horse. He uncharacteristically places a bet on the horse, to pay for an extravagant promise he has made to contribute to a church reparation fund. He subsequently finds himself in the local police cell for administering, or trying to administer, substances to his sister's horse, substances (unknown to him) adulterated with poison by his butler. He is accused by the local police constanble of alienating his wife's affections. In the event, as in most good farces, matters are cheerfully