De Nobili School, FRI

De Nobili School is a school located in Dhanbad, India. The De Nobili School shield displays part of a Sanskrit sloka Vidya Dadati Vinaym (Education Bestows Humility) in Devanagari script in the scroll under the school shield. The school is named after a Jesuit, Roberto de Nobili, who was the first foreigner to master Sanskrit, incognito, in sixteenth century Madurai. He apparently conducted himself like an orthodox Brahmin and is even said to have declared himself to be a descendant of Brahma.

De Nobili School, FRI

De Nobili School is a school located in Dhanbad, India. The De Nobili School shield displays part of a Sanskrit sloka Vidya Dadati Vinaym (Education Bestows Humility) in Devanagari script in the scroll under the school shield. The school is named after a Jesuit, Roberto de Nobili, who was the first foreigner to master Sanskrit, incognito, in sixteenth century Madurai. He apparently conducted himself like an orthodox Brahmin and is even said to have declared himself to be a descendant of Brahma.