Decision EXpert

DEX (Decision EXpert) and its successor DEXi (Decision Expert For Education) are methods for multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Methods are developed by a research team led by Bohanec, Bratko, and Rajković. DEXi works with the utility functions (decision rules). These rules are defined by the user on the software. It is a very easy and effective method. DEX and DEXi are used in the fields of agriculture, and hydropower.

Decision EXpert

DEX (Decision EXpert) and its successor DEXi (Decision Expert For Education) are methods for multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Methods are developed by a research team led by Bohanec, Bratko, and Rajković. DEXi works with the utility functions (decision rules). These rules are defined by the user on the software. It is a very easy and effective method. DEX and DEXi are used in the fields of agriculture, and hydropower.