
Democrația (Romanian for "Democracy") was a weekly newspaper from the Republic of Moldova, published between December 2001 and April 5, 2009. The editors in chief were Ala Mândâcanu (2001–2004) and Cornel Ciurea (2006–2009). The weekly newspaper was close to the Social Liberal Party (Moldova), Cornel Ciurea was serving as a deputy president of the party.


Democrația (Romanian for "Democracy") was a weekly newspaper from the Republic of Moldova, published between December 2001 and April 5, 2009. The editors in chief were Ala Mândâcanu (2001–2004) and Cornel Ciurea (2006–2009). The weekly newspaper was close to the Social Liberal Party (Moldova), Cornel Ciurea was serving as a deputy president of the party.