Demon Hunter (film)

Demon Hunter is a 2005 action/horror film written by Mitch Gould and directed by Scott Ziehl which follows the half human/half demon Jake Greyman (Sean Patrick Flanery) who works for the church as the last resort when exorcism fails. This film co-stars Colleen Porch as the Demon Hunter's sidekick nun, Sarah Ryan, William Bassett as the overseeing church cardinal, Tania Deighton as the succubus, and Billy Drago as the demon of lust, Asmodeus.

Demon Hunter (film)

Demon Hunter is a 2005 action/horror film written by Mitch Gould and directed by Scott Ziehl which follows the half human/half demon Jake Greyman (Sean Patrick Flanery) who works for the church as the last resort when exorcism fails. This film co-stars Colleen Porch as the Demon Hunter's sidekick nun, Sarah Ryan, William Bassett as the overseeing church cardinal, Tania Deighton as the succubus, and Billy Drago as the demon of lust, Asmodeus.