Demon Roach Underground

Demon Roach Underground (DRU) was a Lubbock, Texas based BBS that was popular in the "hacker" scene. Grandmaster Ratte' was the SysOp of DRU, and the BBS was the "base system" for his group Cult of the Dead Cow, a computer hacker organization. It ran from 1985 to 1999, though the name changed twice in its early existence. The original name of the BBS was "The Amazing Captain Neato (TACN) BBS." The name was then changed to "The Marauding C*A*M*E*L," before Ratte' changed the name for the final time to DRU. The BBS ran GBBS software and was hosted on an Apple IIgs for its entire original lifetime.

Demon Roach Underground

Demon Roach Underground (DRU) was a Lubbock, Texas based BBS that was popular in the "hacker" scene. Grandmaster Ratte' was the SysOp of DRU, and the BBS was the "base system" for his group Cult of the Dead Cow, a computer hacker organization. It ran from 1985 to 1999, though the name changed twice in its early existence. The original name of the BBS was "The Amazing Captain Neato (TACN) BBS." The name was then changed to "The Marauding C*A*M*E*L," before Ratte' changed the name for the final time to DRU. The BBS ran GBBS software and was hosted on an Apple IIgs for its entire original lifetime.