Deportivo fronton

The Deportivo fronton is a 52-meter-long Basque pelota fronton, used mainly in the modalities of hand-pelota, short bat, long bat, pala and paleta. It is located in Bilbao and owned by the local municipality.The fronton was home to the 1944 and 1957 1st Hand-Pelota singles championship, as of 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1994 2nd Hand-Pelota singles championship.

Deportivo fronton

The Deportivo fronton is a 52-meter-long Basque pelota fronton, used mainly in the modalities of hand-pelota, short bat, long bat, pala and paleta. It is located in Bilbao and owned by the local municipality.The fronton was home to the 1944 and 1957 1st Hand-Pelota singles championship, as of 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1994 2nd Hand-Pelota singles championship.