Desert lark

The desert lark (Ammomanes deserti) breeds in deserts and semi-deserts from the Sahara east through the Arabian peninsula and the Middle East to Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is resident (non-migratory) apart from local movements in arid stony areas, and avoids flat sand. Its nest is on the ground in a rock crevice or amongst stones, with three or four eggs being laid. The desert lark eats seeds and insects, the latter especially in the breeding season. The song is a mournful choo-wee-chacha wooee, but it is otherwise quiet. * Eggs of A. d. algeriensis MHNT * A. d. payni in Marocco *

Desert lark

The desert lark (Ammomanes deserti) breeds in deserts and semi-deserts from the Sahara east through the Arabian peninsula and the Middle East to Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is resident (non-migratory) apart from local movements in arid stony areas, and avoids flat sand. Its nest is on the ground in a rock crevice or amongst stones, with three or four eggs being laid. The desert lark eats seeds and insects, the latter especially in the breeding season. The song is a mournful choo-wee-chacha wooee, but it is otherwise quiet. * Eggs of A. d. algeriensis MHNT * A. d. payni in Marocco *