Devil Girl from Mars

Devil Girl from Mars is a 1954, independently made, UK black-and-white science fiction film produced by Edward J. Danziger and Harry Lee Danziger, directed by David MacDonald, starring Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott, Adrienne Corri, and Hazel Court. The film was released by British Lion Films. Devil Girl from Mars has become a cult favourite due to the home video revolution.

Devil Girl from Mars

Devil Girl from Mars is a 1954, independently made, UK black-and-white science fiction film produced by Edward J. Danziger and Harry Lee Danziger, directed by David MacDonald, starring Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott, Adrienne Corri, and Hazel Court. The film was released by British Lion Films. Devil Girl from Mars has become a cult favourite due to the home video revolution.