Dibrani case

The Dibrani case refers to the 'political turmoil ' created in France in October 2013 by the arrest during a field trip of an illegal immigrant Roma schoolgirl, Leonarda Dibrani (aged 15), and the following expulsion to Kosovo of her family and herself. The media uproar and student demonstrations that followed were mainly due to their interpretation of the "circulaire" previously issued by the ministry of Internal Affairs, providing that illegal immigrant children should never be arrested while at school, of which a field trip could be considered as some sort of extension.

Dibrani case

The Dibrani case refers to the 'political turmoil ' created in France in October 2013 by the arrest during a field trip of an illegal immigrant Roma schoolgirl, Leonarda Dibrani (aged 15), and the following expulsion to Kosovo of her family and herself. The media uproar and student demonstrations that followed were mainly due to their interpretation of the "circulaire" previously issued by the ministry of Internal Affairs, providing that illegal immigrant children should never be arrested while at school, of which a field trip could be considered as some sort of extension.