Dick and the Duchess

Dick and the Duchess is a 1950s CBS situation comedy filmed and set in London, England, and starring Patrick O'Neal and Hazel Court. O'Neal, a cousin of actor Ryan O'Neal, starred as Dick Starrett, an American insurance claims investigator based in London, who is married to Jane, an attractive patrician Englishwoman whom he calls "Duchess". Court was also known for her roles in horror films. Sheldon Reynolds was the executive producer of the series, filmed by Associated-Rediffusion Television.

Dick and the Duchess

Dick and the Duchess is a 1950s CBS situation comedy filmed and set in London, England, and starring Patrick O'Neal and Hazel Court. O'Neal, a cousin of actor Ryan O'Neal, starred as Dick Starrett, an American insurance claims investigator based in London, who is married to Jane, an attractive patrician Englishwoman whom he calls "Duchess". Court was also known for her roles in horror films. Sheldon Reynolds was the executive producer of the series, filmed by Associated-Rediffusion Television.