Digimon Fusion

Digimon Fusion, known in Japan as Digimon Xros Wars (デジモンクロスウォーズ Dejimon Kurosu Wōzu, pronounced "Cross Wars"), is the sixth anime children television series in the Digimon franchise by Akiyoshi Hongō. It is produced by Toei Animation. It follows a boy named Taiki Kudō (Mikey Kudo in the English dub) who utilizes the power of joining together Digimon in order to save the Digital World. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation between July 6, 2010 and March 21, 2012. Because of that, this is the first season not to be broadcast on Fuji TV like the previous Digimon series. It is divided into three arcs with the latter two given the subtitles of The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms (悪のデスジェネラルと七つの王国 Aku no Desu Jeneraru to Nanatsu no Ōkoku) and The Boy

Digimon Fusion

Digimon Fusion, known in Japan as Digimon Xros Wars (デジモンクロスウォーズ Dejimon Kurosu Wōzu, pronounced "Cross Wars"), is the sixth anime children television series in the Digimon franchise by Akiyoshi Hongō. It is produced by Toei Animation. It follows a boy named Taiki Kudō (Mikey Kudo in the English dub) who utilizes the power of joining together Digimon in order to save the Digital World. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation between July 6, 2010 and March 21, 2012. Because of that, this is the first season not to be broadcast on Fuji TV like the previous Digimon series. It is divided into three arcs with the latter two given the subtitles of The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms (悪のデスジェネラルと七つの王国 Aku no Desu Jeneraru to Nanatsu no Ōkoku) and The Boy