Diocese of Hierapolis

The dioceses of Hierapolis of Phrygia, was a Christian bishopric in Modern Turkey. Through the influence of the Christian apostle Paul, a church was founded here while he was at Ephesus. The Christian apostle Philip spent the last years of his life here. The town's Martyrium was alleged to have been built upon the spot where Philip was crucified in AD 80. His daughters were also said to have acted as prophetesses in the region.

Diocese of Hierapolis

The dioceses of Hierapolis of Phrygia, was a Christian bishopric in Modern Turkey. Through the influence of the Christian apostle Paul, a church was founded here while he was at Ephesus. The Christian apostle Philip spent the last years of his life here. The town's Martyrium was alleged to have been built upon the spot where Philip was crucified in AD 80. His daughters were also said to have acted as prophetesses in the region.