Dodge Line

The Dodge Line was a financial and monetary contraction policy drafted by Joseph Dodge for Japan to gain economic independence after World War II. It was announced on March 7, 1949. It recommended: 1. * Balancing the national budget to reduce inflation 2. * More efficient tax collection 3. * Dissolving the Reconstruction Finance Bank because of its uneconomical loans 4. * Decreasing the scope of government intervention 5. * Fixing the exchange rate to 360 yen to one US dollar to keep Japanese export prices low

Dodge Line

The Dodge Line was a financial and monetary contraction policy drafted by Joseph Dodge for Japan to gain economic independence after World War II. It was announced on March 7, 1949. It recommended: 1. * Balancing the national budget to reduce inflation 2. * More efficient tax collection 3. * Dissolving the Reconstruction Finance Bank because of its uneconomical loans 4. * Decreasing the scope of government intervention 5. * Fixing the exchange rate to 360 yen to one US dollar to keep Japanese export prices low