Down Home (film)

Down Home is a 1920 American silent drama film written, directed, and produced by Irvin Willat and starring Leatrice Joy and James Barrows. The film is based on the novel Dabney Todd, by F. N. Westcott. It was distributed by the independent film distributor W. W. Hodkinson. An early surviving Leatrice Joy feature at the Library of Congress. The film is available on DVD from

Down Home (film)

Down Home is a 1920 American silent drama film written, directed, and produced by Irvin Willat and starring Leatrice Joy and James Barrows. The film is based on the novel Dabney Todd, by F. N. Westcott. It was distributed by the independent film distributor W. W. Hodkinson. An early surviving Leatrice Joy feature at the Library of Congress. The film is available on DVD from