
Dragaš, also known as Sharri and Dragash (Albanian: Sharri or Dragash; Bosnian: Dragaš; Serbian: Драгаш, Dragaš; Turkish: Dragaş), is a town and municipality in the Prizren district of southern Kosovo. The population of the town is 1,098, that of the whole municipality is estimated at 34,241 (2014). The Albanian name Sharri is a reference to the Šar Mountains (in Albanian Sharr). The Serbian name Dragaš comes from medieval Serbian lord Constantine Dragaš.


Dragaš, also known as Sharri and Dragash (Albanian: Sharri or Dragash; Bosnian: Dragaš; Serbian: Драгаш, Dragaš; Turkish: Dragaş), is a town and municipality in the Prizren district of southern Kosovo. The population of the town is 1,098, that of the whole municipality is estimated at 34,241 (2014). The Albanian name Sharri is a reference to the Šar Mountains (in Albanian Sharr). The Serbian name Dragaš comes from medieval Serbian lord Constantine Dragaš.