Dragon Age: The Calling

Dragon Age: The Calling is a fantasy novel written by David Gaider based on the role-playing video game franchise Dragon Age, and was released October 13, 2009. It is a sequel to Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne and a prequel to Dragon Age: Origins, published earlier the same year. The novel is set approximately fourteen years after the events of The Stolen Throne and focuses on King Maric Theirin, a young Duncan and the Grey Wardens.

Dragon Age: The Calling

Dragon Age: The Calling is a fantasy novel written by David Gaider based on the role-playing video game franchise Dragon Age, and was released October 13, 2009. It is a sequel to Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne and a prequel to Dragon Age: Origins, published earlier the same year. The novel is set approximately fourteen years after the events of The Stolen Throne and focuses on King Maric Theirin, a young Duncan and the Grey Wardens.