Drakaea thynniphila

Drakaea thynniphila, commonly known as narrow-lipped hammer orchid is a species of orchid endemic to the south–west of Western Australia. It is pollinated by a single species of male thynnid wasp using sexual deception. The orchid's labellum is similar in shape and scent to a flightless female thynnid wasp. It is one of the more common drakaeas and is easily distinguished from the other species. The tiny lumps on its leaf along with the long flower that lacks a swollen labellum are diagnostic.

Drakaea thynniphila

Drakaea thynniphila, commonly known as narrow-lipped hammer orchid is a species of orchid endemic to the south–west of Western Australia. It is pollinated by a single species of male thynnid wasp using sexual deception. The orchid's labellum is similar in shape and scent to a flightless female thynnid wasp. It is one of the more common drakaeas and is easily distinguished from the other species. The tiny lumps on its leaf along with the long flower that lacks a swollen labellum are diagnostic.