Dream Park

Dream Park is a 1981 novel written by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes set in a futuristic amusement park of the same name. It was later expanded into a series of books. The books describe a futuristic form of live action role-playing games (LARPs), although the term was not in use when the original novel was published. The novels inspired many LARP groups, notably the International Fantasy Games Society, named after a fictional entity in the book. A company by the name of Dream Park was founded in the mid-1990s to try to realize as much of Dream Park as possible, but eventually went out of business.

Dream Park

Dream Park is a 1981 novel written by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes set in a futuristic amusement park of the same name. It was later expanded into a series of books. The books describe a futuristic form of live action role-playing games (LARPs), although the term was not in use when the original novel was published. The novels inspired many LARP groups, notably the International Fantasy Games Society, named after a fictional entity in the book. A company by the name of Dream Park was founded in the mid-1990s to try to realize as much of Dream Park as possible, but eventually went out of business.