Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly election, 2007

On 30 September 2007 an election for a Constituent Assembly was held in Ecuador following the referendum on this issue successfully held on 15 April 2007. 130 delegates were elected: 24 members from national lists, 100 representing the provinces and six for emigrants living outside Ecuador. Note that some of the provincial seats were won by coalitions of parties running separately on the national slate; due to different distributions of these joint Assembly members, reports on the number of seats won by each party may vary from source to source.

Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly election, 2007

On 30 September 2007 an election for a Constituent Assembly was held in Ecuador following the referendum on this issue successfully held on 15 April 2007. 130 delegates were elected: 24 members from national lists, 100 representing the provinces and six for emigrants living outside Ecuador. Note that some of the provincial seats were won by coalitions of parties running separately on the national slate; due to different distributions of these joint Assembly members, reports on the number of seats won by each party may vary from source to source.