Ed Balls document leak

The Ed Balls document leak was a political controversy in the United Kingdom that arose on 9 June 2011. It was based on a database of 55 private documents leaked by The Daily Telegraph that purported to show that Ed Balls played a central role in a plot, launched two months after the 2005 general election dubbed "Project Volvo", to oust Tony Blair as prime minister and replace him with Gordon Brown. The files included private letters between Blair and Brown, and also purported to show that the government went ahead with plans to increase public spending, despite receiving advice to the contrary.

Ed Balls document leak

The Ed Balls document leak was a political controversy in the United Kingdom that arose on 9 June 2011. It was based on a database of 55 private documents leaked by The Daily Telegraph that purported to show that Ed Balls played a central role in a plot, launched two months after the 2005 general election dubbed "Project Volvo", to oust Tony Blair as prime minister and replace him with Gordon Brown. The files included private letters between Blair and Brown, and also purported to show that the government went ahead with plans to increase public spending, despite receiving advice to the contrary.