Effect Model law

The Effect Model law states that a natural relationship exists for each individual between the frequency (observation) or the probability (prediction) of a morbid event without any treatment and the frequency or probability of the same event with a treatment . This relationship applies to a single individual, individuals within a population, or groups.This law enables the prediction of the (absolute) benefit () is a constant” and “ is a constant”. Boissel formulated the hypothesis that the antiarrhythmic drugs efficacy was a function combining a beneficial effect () that is proportional to

Effect Model law

The Effect Model law states that a natural relationship exists for each individual between the frequency (observation) or the probability (prediction) of a morbid event without any treatment and the frequency or probability of the same event with a treatment . This relationship applies to a single individual, individuals within a population, or groups.This law enables the prediction of the (absolute) benefit () is a constant” and “ is a constant”. Boissel formulated the hypothesis that the antiarrhythmic drugs efficacy was a function combining a beneficial effect () that is proportional to