El Nuevo Cojo

El Nuevo Cojo Ilustrado is an American online Spanish language magazine published from Los Angeles, California. It was founded in 2003 as a free alternative webzine published monthly from Harlem, New York. Originally it was an arts and opinion magazine focused exclusively on Venezuelan culture for Venezuelans living in the United States. It also sought to be a window to the US press for Spanish speaking only immigrants by translating English articles from mainstream newspapers. But the website slowly embraced a wider audience by covering general interest issues.

El Nuevo Cojo

El Nuevo Cojo Ilustrado is an American online Spanish language magazine published from Los Angeles, California. It was founded in 2003 as a free alternative webzine published monthly from Harlem, New York. Originally it was an arts and opinion magazine focused exclusively on Venezuelan culture for Venezuelans living in the United States. It also sought to be a window to the US press for Spanish speaking only immigrants by translating English articles from mainstream newspapers. But the website slowly embraced a wider audience by covering general interest issues.