Elisha Beebe Strong

Elisha Beebe Strong (Nov. 29, 1788-Oct. 14, 1867) was an American lawyer and politician. Strong, son of Elisha and Mary Strong, was born in Windsor, Conn., Nov. 29, 1788. He graduated from Yale College in 1809. He studied law at the Litchfield Law School, and subsequently in Canandaigua, N. Y., where he was admitted to the bar in 1812, and commenced practice in partnership with Win. H. Adams, Esq. In 1816 he purchased, jointly with Elisha Beach, Esq., one thousand acres of land in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y., and removed to that place. In 1819-20 he was a member of the New York State Legislature from Ontario County, and after the organization of Monroe County, in 1821, he was appointed first Judge of the County Court. His sons having settled in the West, Judge Strong moved to Detroit

Elisha Beebe Strong

Elisha Beebe Strong (Nov. 29, 1788-Oct. 14, 1867) was an American lawyer and politician. Strong, son of Elisha and Mary Strong, was born in Windsor, Conn., Nov. 29, 1788. He graduated from Yale College in 1809. He studied law at the Litchfield Law School, and subsequently in Canandaigua, N. Y., where he was admitted to the bar in 1812, and commenced practice in partnership with Win. H. Adams, Esq. In 1816 he purchased, jointly with Elisha Beach, Esq., one thousand acres of land in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y., and removed to that place. In 1819-20 he was a member of the New York State Legislature from Ontario County, and after the organization of Monroe County, in 1821, he was appointed first Judge of the County Court. His sons having settled in the West, Judge Strong moved to Detroit