
Emirdağ is a town and district of Afyonkarahisar Province in Turkey, between the city of Afyon and Eskişehir. The district covers an area of 2,009 km², and the population (2014) is 38,269 of which 19,093 live in the town of Emirdağ itself. The mayor is Cengiz Pala (AKP). The Emir Mountains rise steeply behind the town. The region is vulnerable to earthquakes. The weather is very cold in winter.


Emirdağ is a town and district of Afyonkarahisar Province in Turkey, between the city of Afyon and Eskişehir. The district covers an area of 2,009 km², and the population (2014) is 38,269 of which 19,093 live in the town of Emirdağ itself. The mayor is Cengiz Pala (AKP). The Emir Mountains rise steeply behind the town. The region is vulnerable to earthquakes. The weather is very cold in winter.